Monday, May 31, 2010

New Growth

After being gone for a week I noticed today that my bean plants have sprung bean pods! How exciting and wonderful and amazing! The hot sun along with sprinkling of showers made the right combination to grow these little lovely babies! They are so new, soft and translucent. I am eager for them to grow and eventually end up being food for my family. Honestly, I don't know yet what kind of beans they will yield. My friend gave me two opened packets of beans from her late husband's garden last year- one white bean and the other red. I am hoping for plenty of both, I am hoping for a bountiful crop in my modest city garden pots. I think of the passing of my friend's husband and the birth of these little sprouts. I am seeing the start of living food, of sustenance, of life. These tiny pods are so small and frail yet so strong to grow and stretch towards the sun. Why doesn't everyone want to mix the soil in their hands, place the tiny seeds, cover and water and wait for the arrival of a treasure?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pasta Night!

Who says pasta night has to be boring? I know, I know....easy way out! But pasta can be good and fun and vegetarian! Don't get me wrong- when I first became veg many years ago all I ate was angel hair pasta and red sauce and bread. That only lasted so long when I not only packed on some pounds but got bored. It was then that I bought some cookbooks and started introducing myself to the art of vegetarian cooking!
But last night we opted for some good ol' pasta.....penne with crushed tomato sauce (with basil and garlic) , a nice multigrain baguette, a shredded red leaf lettuce salad with fresh tomato and parm and of course a bottle of vino! Cheers!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chop, chop, chop

The best tool for chopping veggies, fresh herbs, etc. is a chopping tool like this. (Or a sharp knife) My parents brought this back for us from their Alaska trip. It comes in handy and chops effortlessly and safely. Just be sure not to drop it! My sister dropped hers while using and nearly chopped off a toe! You essentially just "rock" the blade back and forth to chop without having to put your fingers too close to the blade. Chop on....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pizza Night!

A new twist on pizza night! Homemade arugula and onion pizza. We used a pre-made whole wheat dough from Trader Joes, topped with pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese (soy preferred) and chopped onion. When it was done baking we topped with baby arugula. Tasty! We served with a side salad as well just to get extra greens!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why More Veggies?

"Why are you vegetarian?" I get that question every once in awhile. I like to take a passive approach in my explanation as opposed to my husband. He once blurted out at a wedding reception dinner table that "meat is murder" as the other guests at the table began to eat their tender loin or chicken . I slowly shrunk down in my seat. Well, someone DID ask him the question. I never replied with "Why do you eat meat?". I assume it's just another choice that someone has made just like me. After all, it is OUR choice.
For me it happened my last semester in college when my roommate and I were innocently watching a program on HBO. Little did I know that it would change my life forever along with my eating choices. It was called "To Love or Kill: Man Versus Animals". (I have recently learned that HBO claims the documentary does not exist due to corporate flack.) INTERESTING! Well, there are plenty of other films that will give you insight to just how horrible factory farming, fur trade, etc. are. Basically ignorance IS bliss! Well, something in my heart changed the day I saw that film. It showed an interesting perspective on the subject: first, just how well some
animals are treated and then just how horribly horrific many are treated. It shows the pet industry with plush doggie daycares, cancer treatment centers for pets, Buddhist monks sweeping the steps all day as to not step on an insect and the sacred cows of India in the Hindu tradition. On the flip side, it takes you to the downed cow at a factory farm, the chicken getting it's beak cut clear off while alive and a cat being skinned alive for its fur in scalding water- that's the one that got me. A cat being skinned alive. I still remember its eyes. It is an image I wish I could erase. Who could do that to a living being? Who? At that moment it was like a massive rush came over me seeing ALL living, breathing beings as one. Capable of suffering and pain. Doesn't EVERY being have a right NOT to suffer? Don't we have the responsibility to make the RIGHT CHOICES? That is all we can do- make the right choices.
My platform here is to really try and take a positive approach. If everyone just started small, exploring more vegetarian options each week, shopped locally and supported their local farmers it could begin to make a difference. Boycott the fast food joints- I promise nothing about them is good for you or you family and it might only taste good because most likely it has been injected with flavoring. Take a stand, challenge factory farming and mystery foods. Think about the future environment and health issues. It is all linked together. Most of all, be happy! Be positive! Have fun with fresh foods, enjoy their tastes and all they have to offer.
Why vegetarian? Why not?
Thanks for taking the time to listen.....