I know, two titles for this post. I couldn't decide on one or the other. "Holy Hiatus" because I literally have not posted since October! I'd like to say I was oh so busy with extraordinary things- exciting projects, etc, etc. But it was really just life flying by faster than ever without a moment's warning of just how fast it wants to go.....(with some ordinary extarordinary things going on in the mix - since isn't "all of this " extaordinary afterall?)
And then also "New Life" as I post the pics of my tiny seedlings from early Spring on my cold but sunny windowsill which have now become strong (most of them) little basil, parsley and cantaloupe plants and some flowers ready to bloom.I write this as I just learned of a very old friend's passing (not old in age, just 44 years, but a friend from what seems a whole lifetime ago) and can't help but get some solace from these seedling babies that all life begins again and continues on and we are all ever so linked and intertwined in more ways than we will ever really know or understand....
So it's simple right? Plant seeds, watch them grow, celebrate life, good food, good health, love, friendships, family. Tread lightly and love LOUDLY for life just loves to fly by quickly and we must embrace the good stuff - now.
for T.D.D.