Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Warming Potato Chard Soup

I can live on soup alone when the weather turns to chilly and the leaves are no longer ON the trees. This soup is so warming and healthy that I can literally feel it working wonders as I slurp it down! It has a nice light, clear-ish broth and is full of minimal yet key ingredients: 3 cups of water, pinch of salt, 2 cups of chopped taters, 1/2 cup shelled soybeans (edamame), 3 tablespoons of raw pumpkin seeds or raw papitas (to top the soup), 1 cup of chopped zucchini, 2 cups of slivered green or red chard, 3 tablespoons of whit or yellow miso, 1/2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, fresh basil and rosemary.
Place water, salt, taters and beans in a pot on high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about ten minutes until taters are tender.
Meanwhile, place the pumpkin seeds or raw papitas in a skillet over medium heat and dry toast for a few minutes until puffed up and browned. Remove from heat and set aside. (A great source of omega-3 fatty acids- just another reason to make a big ol' jack o'lantern and get some seeds!)
When taters are tender, add zucchini and chard and simmer another 5 minutes. Ladle some broth into a small cup and add the miso-combine until smooth. Add that back to the pot of soup along with the basil, rosemary and apple cider vinegar. Add salt to taste and top with seeds once poured into serving bowls. Get ready to feel good......
I also added a dash of nutritional yeast (from health food store) to add more B vitamins.
nutrition breakdown:
basil and rosemary- help calm the mind and improve mental function
miso and taters- help with acid conditions in the body
chard- calcium and magnesium rich
apple cider vinegar- good mood food