So I think this deserves a post! I found my old brownies/girl scout sash and this was one of the badges! Old school! I think I had to make something following a recipe to earn this badge! Hope it was vegetarian- I can't remember, it was a very long time ago. I like how the badge depicts fruit! I remember getting so excited when I earned a badge! I especially loved earning the "art" badge when I was about 8 years old! This got me thinking that we should all continue to receive these little embroidered cuties throughout life as tiny reminders and rewards! Just think of us walking around in our sashes with more contemporary badges such as "ran a marathon", "was nice to a stranger", "let someone yield in during traffic jam". Or how about "told my kids, husband or dog I love them", "sent a real handwritten letter to a friend" or "tried something new today"! Oh the possibilities are endless! Who's in? I think I'm going to sew this to my bag tonight!
Or maybe I'll just wear my sash! Ha!
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