After being gone for a week I noticed today that my bean plants have sprung bean pods! How exciting and wonderful and amazing! The hot sun along with sprinkling of showers made the right combination to grow these little lovely babies! They are so new, soft and translucent. I am eager for them to grow and eventually end up being food for my family. Honestly, I don't know yet what kind of beans they will yield. My friend gave me two opened packets of beans from her late husband's garden last year- one white bean and the other red. I am hoping for plenty of both, I am hoping for a bountiful crop in my modest city garden pots. I think of the passing of my friend's husband and the birth of these little sprouts. I am seeing the start of living food, of sustenance, of life. These tiny pods are so small and frail yet so strong to grow and stretch towards the sun. Why doesn't everyone want to mix the soil in their hands, place the tiny seeds, cover and water and wait for the arrival of a treasure?
I'm on day 5! :)